This is all the commands for version 2.1!
Command | Information |
kick (user) (reason) | kicks the mentioned user from the guild/discord server. Permissions needed: KICK_MEMBERS. |
info | displays information about the bot/ the creator. |
help | displays the list of help commands. |
ban (user) (reason) | bans the mentioned user with the given user. Must have permission BAN_MEMBERS. |
warn (user) (reason) | warns the mentioned user in DM with the given reason. |
mute (user) (reason) | gives the role 'Muted' to the mentioned user (must have role 'Muted') with the given reason. |
website | gives you the link to the website. |
reportbug (bug) | logs a report that you give to us. |
profile (user) | gets information on the mnentioned user and sends it to the channel. |
unmute (user) (reason) | this LOGS the unmute. Doesn't remove the role muted from the mentioned user, just logs the unmute. |
suggestion (user) (suggestion) | logs the user and suggestion into our console. We ask for your user as we might give credit to you for the idea. :) |
clear | clears the channel. |
kill (user) | gets the user and randomly chooses one of our kill messages and kills the mentioned user. |
ask (question yes or no) | gets your question and displays a randomly generated answer to the question. |
say (what to say) | this makes the bot say what you want it to say and deletes your message for the command! |
helpmod | displays moderation commands |
helpinfo | displays info commands |
helpfun | displays fun commands |
helpchat | displays chat comands |
broadcast (message) | broadcasts the given message. Must have permissions MENTION_EVERYONE |
here (message) | tags @here with the given message. Must have permissions MENTION_EVERYONE |
serverinfo | displays information about the current server the bot is in. |
botinfo | displays information about the bot. |
invitebot | gives you the link to invite the bot to a discord server |
rolldice | rolls a dice and gives you a random number. |
flipcoin | flips a coin and gives you either heads or tails. |
rps (choice) | plays rock paper scissors with you. |
ping | gives you a RANDOM PING. Please note this is not your actual ping. |
ship (user) | ships you and the user that you mention. |
randomrp (user) | does a random rp with the mentioned user. |
attack (user) | generates a random attack message with the mentioned user in it. |
break | breaks a random item. |
eat | makes you eat a random food. |
grab (thing to grab) | makes you grab something that you choose. |
findmyiq | randomly picks your IQ. Please note that this is not your actual IQ. |
marry (user) | tags you and the mentioned user and says that you are married. |
stupid | tells you that you're stupid. |
happybirthday (user) | says happy birthday to the mentioned user. |
urmomgay (user) | tells the user mentioned that their mom gay. |
lenny | makes the bot message a lenny face. |
magic | makes the bot message a magic face. |
yay | makes the bot message a yay face. |
smile | makes the bot message a smile face. |
wizard | makes the bot message a wizard face. |
happy | makes the bot message a happy face |
party | makes the bot message a party face. |
dance | makes the bot message a dance face. |
rage | makes the bot message a rage face. |
excited | makes the bot message a excited face. |
music | makes the bot message a music face. |
woah | makes the bot message a woah face. |
kiss | makes the bot message a kiss face. |
murder | makes the bot message a murder face. |
hug | makes the bot message a hug face. |
fight (user) | randomly fights a user and randomly generates who wins. |
fliptext (text) | flips the text given upside down and prints it. |